It is very important especially for the project manager to distinguish between the terms testing and commissioning. It is also important to ensure that every stage and Programme gets sufficient attention and time that is required. Many times, there is often pressure and this pressure shortens the time and therefore, its effects on the result. The quality should be a priory element in commissioning and testing to expect adequate outputs. Let us have a look on what is testing and commissioning and how it differs from each other.
The project testing phase refers to those processes and activates that are designated for examining and or scrutinizing the given project with the actual information and details about the performance and the quality of the project. During the testing, different tests are undertaken known as static testing and this testing is normally executed in order to prove the workmanship of the project or installation. There are mini activities that take place in the testing phase. Firstly the stakeholders which refer to the team, analyze the project and determine the testable requirements, and negotiate over the quality of the performance. The tested scenarios are also implemented and a report of expected quality is generated for the future that the executed project
should match the quality of that report
Commissioning is started on the completion of static testing. Commissioning is basically carried out for the purpose of proving the system’s operation and its specifications and performance. This process is extensively important and it starts by issuing a certificate that permits the installation or the project to be made life and after some rounds of the initial tests, more volume testing and load bank testing practices are executed. Commissioning in short is a process that is designed in order to optimize the built project and increase its efficiency. This can also result in the reduction of the costs and can enhance the building performance too. It verifies the project, or the installations and makes sure that it is quality assured and has no bugs or issues. This also ensures that the project is made adequately and is fulfilling the owner’s project requirements.
Testing and commissioning have their own processes and analyzing techniques and there is always a need of carrying out these processes in order to ensure that the project is safe and meets all the requirements. These tests ensure and witness all these things and assure the quality too