Climate change is posing an ever-increasing threat to our world. Traditional
power companies produce electricity by burning fossil fuels, which is a major
source of greenhouse gas emissions. Coal, natural gas, and oil are the fossil
fuels used by power firms. Solar energy is now available to the public as a
renewable and secure energy source. Solar power is available in a range of
technologies, allowing you to do anything from charge your phone to heat
your shower to produce electricity on solar farms.
Solar Energy Reduces Water Pollution
In South Asia, water contamination is one of the most serious challenges to
public health. In Afghanistan, for example, 80% of the drinking water is
tainted. Every year, waterborne diseases like typhoid, cholera, and hepatitis
kill over 100,000 people in Pakistan, half of whom are children, and close to
200,000 people in India. Coal, natural gas, oil, and nuclear energy also need
cooling in thermoelectric plants, which necessitates large quantities of water.
But there’s a snag: Coal-fired power plants are responsible for 72 percent of
water emissions, and chemical pollution has been related to cancer, heart
attacks, and neurological damage. Solar photovoltaic cells do not need water
to produce electricity, despite the fact that all manufacturing processes do.
This is without a doubt one of the most critical environmental advantages of
solar panels. Solar energy, unlike geothermal or conventional biomass
plants, decreases contamination of local water supplies.
Solar Energy Reduces Air Pollution
Fossil fuels emit a great deal of pollution. You’ve seen what polluted air looks
like if you’ve lived in Lahore. Smog, or toxic air, is detrimental to the
atmosphere, our health, and our appearance. When toxins become trapped
in the air, it appears to be decaying. Solar panels aid in the reduction of air
pollution. Your solar panels generate renewable energy that does not pollute
the environment
Solar Energy Reduces Hazardous Waste
Liquid wastes are pumped into highly radioactive bodies of water, while solid
wastes are disposed of in landfills and abandoned mining sites. Such
hazardous waste byproducts, such as coal ash and oil sludge, end up in
drainage that flows into rivers and agricultural fields. These wastes are more
difficult to dispose of on a regular basis and contain hazardous metals. Solar
energy is much superior to conventional energy sources in that it does not
require nuclear waste storage or waste transportation using fossil fuels.
When it comes to solar power, hazardous waste treatment isn’t needed, so
there’s no need to be worried about possible harm from toxic waste storage
Solar Energy Improve Climate and Air Quality
Our dependence on fossil fuels over the years has had a significant effect on
our environment. Unfortunately, toxic contaminants such as carbon dioxide,
nitrogen dioxide, sulphur dioxide, mercury, and particulate dust have been
released into the atmosphere. Solar panels, on the other hand, release no
harmful gases. We will significantly reduce smog, particulate matter air
and global climate change by reducing our dependence on fossil
fuel energy sources and transitioning to renewable solar generation.