Renewable energy belongs to a group of energies, such as solar, wind, and geothermal, that is derived from non-depleting and renewable sources. The majority of countries in the world rely heavily on fossil fuels (oil, coal, and natural gas) for power generation. Renewable energy sources are endless, sustainable, abundant, and eco-friendly.

Fossil fuels are non-renewable energy sources, which mean they rely on finite resources that will eventually run out, raising overall energy costs. In response to the threat, several countries have increased their efforts to promote renewable energy sources such as solar and wind.

The advantages of renewable energy sources are incredible, it is critical that we plan for the future.

Why Do We Need Renewable Energy?

Our planet has already suffered significant damage as a result of our actions. We have been releasing increasing amounts of carbon dioxide and other emissions into the atmosphere since the industrial revolution. The results are now visible. Climate change is becoming more difficult to deny, from forest fires to heat waves. Without a question, the combustion of fossil fuels has contributed significantly to global warming.

Renewable Energy is Eco-friendly

Renewable energy is considered clean because it does not pollute the environment and emits little or no carbon and greenhouse gases. Fossil fuels produce large amounts of greenhouse gas and carbon dioxide, which contribute significantly to global warming, climate change, and air pollution. Sulfur emissions from fossil fuels also contribute to acidification of the atmosphere.

Renewable Energy Reduces Water Usage

Power plants that use coal or nuclear energy require a large amount of water to operate properly. This can result in fierce competition for resources in agricultural areas, especially in water shortage places. Solar and wind energy, on the other hand, can generate electricity without the usage of extra water. As a result, there would be less demand for resources and irrigation will be more economical.

Improvements in Public Health

CO2 emissions have a negative impact on the environment. They can also result in serious health issues. Pollution is undeniably harmful to one’s health. Many people who have been exposed to excessive amounts of pollution have complained of breathing problems. Switching to renewable energy will be beneficial to our health. Wind, solar, and hydropower all emit fewer pollutants. Biomass and geothermal, on the other hand, are cleaner choices.

Creating jobs

According to studies, renewable energy has directly and indirectly employed millions of people. Jobs have been generated; organizations have been established as a result of the increase in invention. By 2030, it is predicted that the number of people working in the renewable energy sector would have risen to 25 million.